Would you go green?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to go green easy

How to make your house energy efficient
Have you ever wanted to do something for the environment but don’t know what to do. You might have thought of something that would be really helpful but it’s too expensive or hard to do. Well now you can do something that is really helpful and won’t break the bank. All you have to do is make your house greener. Now that doesn’t mean painting your house green will save the environment. It means that you can make your house more energy efficient so you save more money and help the environment. It isn’t expensive or hard to do. By following these simple steps you can make your house a better one for the environment.
Step 1: Green up your appliances
Getting rid of that old refrigerator in the garage could save you as much as $150 a year. Appliance use comprises about 18% of a typical homes energy bill, with the fridge being one of the biggest energy hogs. If any of your appliances is more than ten years old then replace them with energy-efficient models that bear the “Energy Star” logo. Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10%-50% less energy and water than standard models.
Also, consider what you put in that energy-efficient refrigerator. Pesticides, transportation and packaging are all things to consider when stocking up. Buying local cuts down on fossil fuels burned to get the food to you while organic foods are produced without potentially harmful pesticides and fertilizers.
Step 2: Watch the temperature
Almost half a home’s energy consumption is due to heating and cooling. 

If you have an air-conditioner then control its temperature. Each degree below 20’C during colder weather saves 3%-5% more heating energy, while keeping the air-conditioner at 26’C in warmer weather will save you energy and money.
If you have an air-conditioner then use ceiling fans instead as much as possible. Light clothing in summer is typically comfortable between temperatures of 22’C and 26’C, but moving air feels cooler, so a slow-moving fan easily can extend the comfort range to 28’s.
If you have a furnace then clean its filter monthly during heavy usage.
If you have an old furnace then consider a new one. Today’s furnaces are about 25% more efficient then they were in the 1980s. (Also, don’t forget to check out furnaces carrying the Energy Star label.)
To keep cool in warmer weather, shade your east and west windows and delay heat-generating activities such as dishwashing until evening. You’ll avoid having to use your air-conditioner and save power.
Step 3: Save water
There are over hundreds of ways to save water however only a few will be said here

Install an evolve showerhead. They save more water then the standard showerhead and you still have a great shower
Install a low-flow toilet. They use only 6 liters per flush, compared to 13 liters per flush for pre-1994 models. If you have an older model, adjust your float valve to admit less water into the toilets tank.
Of course, you don’t need products to save water – behavioral changes also add up quickly: using a broom instead of the garden hose to clean your driveway can save 300 liters of water and turning the tap off when you brush your teeth will save 17 liters each time.
Step 4: Clean green
Stop buying household cleaners that are potentially toxic to both you and the environment. Use cleaners that have labels which are specific, eco-friendly ingredients that also perform effectively. These include grain alcohol instead of toxic butyl cellosolve, commonly found in carpet cleaner and same window cleaners as a solvent; coconut or other plant oils rather than petroleum in detergents; and plant-oil disinfectants such as eucalyptus, rosemary or sage rather than triclosan, an antifungal agent found in soaps and deodorant. Or, skip buying altogether and make your own cleaning products. Use simple ingredients such as plain soap, water, baking soda (sodium bicardonate), vinegar, washing soda (sodium carbonate), lemon juice and borax and save money at the same time.
Step 5: Let there be energy-efficient light
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) use 66% less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a 32-watt CFL can save $30 in energy costs over the life of a bulb
Step 6: Save a tree, use less paper
You can buy “tree-free” 100% post-consumer recycled paper for everything from greeting cards to toilet paper. Paper with a high post-consumer waste content uses less virgin pulp and keeps more waste paper out of landfills.
Other tips:

Remove yourself from junk mail lists. Each person will receive almost 560 pieces of junk mail this, year, which adds up nationally to 4.5 million tons. About 44% of all junk mail is thrown in the trash, unopened and unread, and ends up in a landfill
Buy unbleached paper. Many paper products, including some made from recycled fibers, are bleached with chlorine. The bleaching process can create harmful byproducts, including dioxins, which accumulate in our air, water and soil over time
Finally, here’s the answer to the old “paper or plastic” question: No thanks. Carry your own cloth bags to the store to avoid using store bags
Step 7: Want hardwood floors? Opt for bamboo.
Bamboo is considered a environmentally friendly flooring material due to its high yield and the relatively fast rate at which it replenishes itself. It takes just four to six years for bamboo to mature, compared to 50-100 years for typical hardwoods. Just be sure to look for sources that use formaldehyde-free glues
Step 8: Reduce plastics, reduce global warming
Unfortunately, plastics are made from petroleum – the processing and burning of which is considered one of the main contributors to global warming. In addition, sending plastics to your landfill also increases greenhouse gases. Reduce, re-use and recycle your plastics for one of the best ways to combat global warming
Step 9: Use healthier paint
Conventional paints contain solvents, toxic metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cause smog, ozone pollution and indoor air quality problems with negative health effects. These unhealthy ingredients are released into the air while you’re painting, while the paint dries and even after the paints are completely dry. Opt instead for zero- or low-VOC paint, made by most major paint manufacturers today.
Step 10: Garden green
First, use compost instead of synthetic fertilizers. Compost provides a full complement of soil organisms and the balance of nutrients needed to maintain the soil’s well-being without the chemicals of synthetic fertilizers. And healthy soil minimizes weeds and is key to producing healthy plants, which in turn can prevent many pest problems from developing to being with.

Use native plants as much as possible. Native plants have adapted over time to the local environment and support native animals. They also use less water and require less of your attention.
Focus on perennials. Gardening with plants that live for more than one year means you don’t have to pay for new plants every year; it also saves the resources used commercially to grow annuals.
Stop using chemical pesticides. These toxic chemicals escape gardens and concentrate in the environment, posing threats to animals and people, especially children. A better alternative is to try a variety of organic and physical pest control methods, such as diatomaceous earth to kill insects, pouring boiling water on weeds or using beer to bait slugs
Finally consider using an old fashioned push mower. The only energy expended is yours
By following all of these steps you can ensure that your home is a better one for the future of the planet. When people ask what you’re doing to help the Earth you can confidently and truthfully answer “making my home greener”.

seven Recycling signs

OK when u look on the bottom of the  bottle what do you see?
 and each of these have a meaning 

Plastic-recyc-01.svg mostly on Soft drink, water and salad dressing bottles; peanut butter and jam jars
Plastic-recyc-02.svg  mostly on Water pipes, Hula-Hoop rings, Milk, juice and water bottles; the occasional shampoo / toiletry bottle
Plastic-recyc-03.svgmostly on Juice bottles; cling films; PVC piping
Plastic-recyc-04.svgmostly on Frozen food bags; squeezable bottles, e.g. honey, mustard; cling films; flexible container lids.
Plastic-recyc-05.svgmostly found on Reusable microwaveable ware; kitchenware; yogurt containers; margarine tubs; microwaveable disposable take-away containers; disposable cups; plates.
Plastic-recyc-06.svgmostly found onEgg cartons; packing peanuts; disposable cups, plates, trays and cutlery; disposable take-away containers;
Plastic-recyc-07.svgmostly found on Beverage bottles; baby milk bottles; electronic casing.


  • Reduce
  • Re-use
  • Recycle

Going green

So before a person can GO GREEN they need to know what it means. so i first looked at Wikipedia, So I quickly jumped over to Wikipedia and searched for “going green” Turns out Wikipedia actually does not even have a page or definition for going green.  They simply redirect you to a page on “Environmentalism” .  So now going green has become an “ism”… interesting, as “ism”‘s are usually a bad thing but this is what it had to say 
“Environmentalism is a broad philosophy and social movement centered on a concern for the conservation and improvement of the environment. Environmentalism is associated with the color green.”
now to me that is a big bunch of words so next i went to Google.  When in doubt I always go to Google.  So I searched for “going green definition”.  I just love that Google knows what I am looking for and if you search for something with the word “definition” in it they give you a list of definitions from all over the web. Clicking on the “Web definitions for Going Green”, Google provided six different options, including the “environmentalism” definition from Wikipedia but i found one that i think i could use.

“A phrase referring to individual action that a person can consciously take to curb harmful effects on the environment through consumer habits, behavior, and lifestyle.”

after reading this i thought to myself isn't this the whole project idea that we had to change someones view on things? but then i thought i should go live in some Eco house and make no carbon foot print by living off mother earth ... which meant no phone ... and to tell the truth i didn't want to turn my life upside down for the earth. but i would do what i could do. which leads me to this going green isn't becoming a hippy or no electricity its just trying to make smaller impact on life.

What is SO good about becoming green?

Tracy A. Corley is a blogger who has his own view of going green and other things he believes in. on January the 20 2010 he made a blog on whats good about going green. he stated four points all with reasons' these four  points where

  1. It's good for long-term growth.
  2. It's good for jobs and economic development. 
  3. It's good for the environment. 
  4. It's good for health.
Going green is good for our businesses, our communities, and our environment. With businesses focused on long-term growth, economic development, clean environments, and healthy citizens, we can expect increased opportunities and more profitable businesses. - Tracy A. Corley 
 after reading all this i found this bit that i liked saying not only is it good for mother earth its also good for businesses, communities and our health.

you should take a look at the site its good

Tracy A. Corley

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


RELN worm farm
this is a real worm farm box which goes for about $50 from your hardwear store.
As around 50% of household waste produced is food and garden waste, composting and worm farming are excellent ways to turn these valuable organic nutrients into solid and liquid fertilisers.

What you'll need to make a worm farm- 2 polystyrene boxes with lids the same size (or a worm farming box)
- A strip of insect screen to fit into the bottom of the boxes
- Shredded newspaper
- A bucket of garden soil, or potting mix
- Water
- Food scraps
- 1000 composting worms*
* NB: These aren't the same as ordinary earthworms. You will need to buy worms with nicknames like "Tigers", "Reds" and "Blues". They're available from garden centres.

What you need to do
1. Take ONE of your boxes, and make some holes in the lid and in the bottom of the box. This allows oxygen in and also allows extra water and worm wee to drain out. Make your holes evenly spaced. The bigger the container, the more holes you will need. Use a pen or a screwdriver to make the holes.

Spread the insect screen in the bottom, over the holes. This lets the liquid through but stops the worms falling out.

2. Next, fill your container about 3/4 full with shredded newspaper. Dampen your newspaper with water before you add it to the box. All the newspaper should be soaked through but there should not be extra water collecting in the bottom of the bin. Put some garden soil or potting mix in for grit. This will help your worms digest all the scraps you add to your bin.

3. It's now time to add some worms to the container! How much you put in depends on the amount of food scraps you plan to compost. 1000 worms are enough to start. Your worms will multiply if you keep them happy.

Place the container (or box) with the worms over the second box, allowing the water and worm wee to drain down into the second box.

4. Next, add some food scraps to the bin. See the chart below for what is good to compost. Make sure you don't overfeed your worms. Start by putting a small amount in one corner underneath some newspaper. See how long it takes your worms to break it down. This should give you an idea of how much your worms can handle at one time. Place your food scraps in a different spot each time.

5. Keep an eye on your worms. Make sure that the shredded newspaper does not dry out. Lay a sheet of damp newspaper on top of the food scraps and keep a cover on your box. Worms like it better if it's damp and dark.Over the weeks, the worm wee will collect in the bottom box. You can mix this with water and sprinkle it on your garden. Over the months, a layer of worm poo will build up in the bottom of the top box. If you set up a new box on top, and transfer the worms across into it, you can clean out the poo and spread it over your garden. The plants will love it!

What composting worms like to eat
- Plate scrapings (cooked vegetables and stewed fruit leftovers)
- Fruit peelings (not too much orange or lemon peel)
- Vegetable scraps and peelings (not too many onions)
- Hair clippings and vacuum cleaner dust
- Stale biscuits and cakes
- Coffee grounds and tea bags
- Crushed egg shells
- Saw dust
- Soaked cardboard

*NB: Be careful not to overfeed your worms. Remember, worms have little mouths and no teeth!

ok these are some other sites you can go have a look at

http://www.heal-the-world.weebly.com/ is a different group that needs help to so have a look at the site

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So down to the REAL stuff

we are here to HELP aniamls so when you can go to http://www.wwf.org/ and make a donation!

How you can go green

Everyday people think they can't go green but the truth is EVERYTHING CAN BE GREEN!
  • Change your light bulbs to the energy saving ones.
  • For $50 in Australia you can have Energy saving professionals help and change your home.
  • Recycling! have two bins one for RECYCLING and one for other rubbish .
  • Invest in alternative energy E.g. solar    wind     hydro.
  • If your work isn't to far from your house you can ride, take a bus/train or walk to work. its not just good for the environment but it could even help your health.

First Steps

So you might be thinking right now
"how can i help, I'm just one person, i cant to a thing"...
Well your kinda wrong, you as a person can to a lot which will be in a latter post. This whole thing is for a year nine project..... we are just two kids trying to help out as much as we can. My name is Nicole and i will be doing this blog thing because i love to help out as much as i can and the other member is Richard he is .... different he hates the computer. We need to change the way we live because before you know it, it will be to late to change a thing and we will be on the way to a big DOOM!
From Nicole